"A body persists in a state of uniform motion or of rest unless acted upon by an external force."
This is a law of classical mechanics summarized in different ways over three centuries now. This law can also be experienced or rather be explained if we consider that all the massive bodies are entangled in a spacetime fabric which so far we have concluded is elastic.
This law of inertia can be interpreted in our spacetime as follows. Again taking the analogy of the rubber sheet experiment, for a certain mass (force) we consider there is an equivalent depression in the spacetime fabric (in our case the rubber sheet) at various instants of time. Now when an external force is acted upon the system, let us consider some mass being added or subtracted from the system there has to an equivalent change in the depression of the fabric which can be obtained only if the spacetime fabric is ELASTIC.
The obvious question that therefore arises is what is the force that causes the depression in spacetime to heal?
And so obvious is the answer given by classical physics that the elasticity of an object is owing to the inherent tension of the system. Now thus in this case the only thing that provides tension to the spacetime fabric is the EXPANDING UNIVERSE.
It can be well understood that, the healing will occur at the speed of light (i.e. speed of antigravity= gravity taken as c) only if, the universe is expanding at the rate greater than C, which is also true as since big bang the light is spreading in all directions with velocity C and thus overall speed of expansion will be the addition of rates in all physical dimensions and is therefore higher.
This FORCE of tension thus produced is sufficient to heal a depression.
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